Here's how to avoid getting 15 years of “studying abroad”: it's definitely doable with a little planning and preparation beforehand, consume everything in moderation, eat as much as possible, get into the habit of exercising, exercise while traveling. Yes, it's completely normal to gain weight while studying abroad. You don't have to gain weight when you study abroad. Just as there are ways to avoid 15 years of freshman year in college, there are also ways to avoid 15 years of studying abroad.
After working in 25 of the 29 countries I have traveled to, I have held several tourism-related jobs before developing a career where I can work online from anywhere, living what I call a working and traveling lifestyle. Eating well and staying active will help you avoid gaining weight while studying abroad. Opting for vegetables and whole grains instead of pasta and bread is a good start to making sure you're getting enough nutrients from food. For the Christmas holidays, you've gained a few kilos and decide to hit the gym first thing in the new year.
It is natural for this to happen, because when the body leaves its comfort shell and settles in another stranger, with different types of cooking and food intake, the adjustments it gets used to also involve a change in body weight. It's also important to remember that no matter how much you exercise, it's harder to carry someone who has less weight than carrying. As time goes on, and with a lack of awareness of the reasons behind this change, along with the lack of attention, students struggle to lose weight while studying abroad. Following your name, eating your food with intuition and intention at regular intervals of time can help you go a long way on your path to weight management.
Yes, sometimes it can be difficult to find time to exercise while studying abroad, but not getting enough exercise will result in weight gain. Many people drink alcohol or sugary drinks because they think they will stop them from gaining weight, but this usually only leads to an increase in calorie intake, which eventually leads to weight gain. When you're trying to lose weight or avoid gaining weight while studying abroad, it's important to consider how often you go out to eat. So what? If you're wondering how to lose weight while studying abroad and have the answers on your wish list, keep reading.